Friday Photo #188 - Bunes Beach Sunset

Friday Photo #188 – Bunes Sunset

Friday Photo #188 - Bunes Beach Sunset

Photo: Setting sun over Bunes beach, Moskenesøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. July 30, 2016. 22:29

It seems that as quickly as I got used to the endless light of summer, it will soon be over. In the next couple days the sun will begin to set before 22:00, which sounds utterly depressing! And arriving home late from a visit with friends the other day I suddenly realized that the house was dark inside as I head to search the walls for the locations of the light switches, which hadn’t seen any use since May!

However, as the nights grow darker the constant glow of the summer sun will be replaced by the dancing green of lady Aurora, with September the perfect month for mountain camping during the green nights. Perhaps it is due to the cold temperatures of the last few days, and even a bit of snow in east Lofoten, but it feels like autumn is on its way. Soon the islands will be filled with color.

This photo was taken on the 2nd night of a trip exploring some isolated parts of Lofoten. We had planned to camp higher up in the mountains, however the forecast was for rain, so we relocated a bit lower to have an easier walk out in the morning. The rain never came, but the light did, which would mostly have been missed had we remained at our other camp. So it was a good choice to move! Not a bad view from my tent!

Camera Info:
Nikon D800
Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8
ISO 160
f 11
1/60 second
WB Daylight

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