Dramatic coastal mountain landscape viewed from Ryten, Lofoten Islands, Norway

New Mountain Page – Ryten

New mountain hiking page for Ryten -CLICK HERE-

Second new page for the week, not too bad!  While the view from Reinebringen is perhaps Lofoten’s most iconic, if there is to be a runner up, then the view from the slopes of Ryten down to Kvalvika beach would be high on the list.  Ryten is an easy mountain walk that finished with you standing 500 meters almost directly above the sea and scenic views in every direction.

This will be my last update for the year; not that there’s many days left anyhow.  I’m pretty happy with the progress I’ve made in the last couple months, and I think the site is off to a pretty good start.  Once I’m finished adding all the info and guides here on the site, I’ll most likely begin working on some that pages more location and photography specific.  I’ll hopefully also turn these into (free) eBook downloads so you can take them with you to the islands; though the functionality I envision is somewhat beyond my technical and design abilities.  It will at least be a start to something useful.  I also get an email every once in a while about ‘the best of Lofoten.’  So I’ll probably write a suggested itinerary guide along the lines of ‘1 week on Lofoten – the best of.’  Or something along those lines.  Maybe a separate summer and winter version as well.

And the best new for me is, I’m already ticket shopping to head back to the islands in mid February…

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