Friday Photo #596 – Neverending Light
Photo: Mountains of Vestvågøy rise from a shimmering night sea, Lofoten Islands, Norway. June 4, 2021. 01:57
Two weeks into the midnight sun season and Lofoten is bathed in 24 hour sunlight. And the days only get bright over the following…
Friday Photo #595 – Two Seasons
Photo: Mid May snowfall over mountains of Flakstadøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. May 16, 2020. 22:45
This week’s photo is a nice example of the duality of May - Endless days and and snowy mountains. There have been many weeks of winter…
Friday Photo #594 – Still Snow
Photo: May sunset over Skrådalstinden, Vestvågøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. May 20, 2021. 23:33
With June and the summer hiking season just around the corner, the early season can still present significant amounts of snow in the inland…
Friday Photo #592 – Late Nights
Photo: Evening sun shines over Kvalvika beach, Lofotodden national park, Moskenesøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. May 15, 2021. 22:55
Lofoten’s midnight sun season officially begins next week on May 24th. But for the whole of May, there…
Friday Photo #592 – Waiting For Summer
Photo: Oystercatcher in evening sunlight, Flakstadøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. May 10, 2021. 22:11
I’ve probably written this every year for the past 10 years, and I’ll write it again now: I find the month of May a strange season…
Friday Photo #591 – May Or Winter
Photo: Cold weather and fresh snow leaves mid May looking like winter, Moskenesøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. May 8, 2022. 18:08
By early May the nights are no longer dark and the midnight sun is only a few weeks away. The light says…
Friday Photo #590 – Northern Lights Over Nappstraumen
Photo: Northern Lights swirl in the sky over Himmeltindan, Vestvågøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. January 19, 2024. 23:38
The nights are now no longer fully dark on Lofoten, and that means the northern lights season has come to an end.…
Friday Photo #589 – Willow Ptarmigan
Photo: Willow Ptarmigan - Rype walks across snowy field, Flakstadøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. April 18, 2022. 17:01
The long days of mid April bring an ever increasing level of activity to Lofoten as the migratory birds arrive and fight…
Friday Photo #588 – Snow On The Roof
Photo: Snow covered roof tiles, Reine, Lofoten Islands, Norway. March 14, 2024. 10:05
Gentle snow had been falling all morning, brining winter back to what had previously been a dry looking Lofoten. Walking out of my cabin mid-morning,…
Friday Photo #587 – 12 Seasons
Photo: Snow blows across Haukland beach, Vestvågøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. March 24, 2024. 08:59
There is somewhat of a joke about Lofoten actually having 12 seasons during the year, instead of 4. And you can probably guess already,…
Friday Photo #586 – Season’s End
Photo: Last workshop aurora of 2024 winter season, Gimsøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. March, 24, 2024. 22:44
After 7 back to back workshops starting on January 31st, my winter guiding season has finally come to an end as I dropped off…
Friday Photo #585 – Snow On The Water
Photo: Snow patterns form on the sea outside Reine Rorbuer, Moskenesøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. March 14, 2024. 15:05
In contrast to the deep cold of March 2023, March 2024 has been a largely mild and dry month. As of my writing, only…
Friday Photo #584 – Twilight Aurora
Photo: Twilight aurora over Myland, Flakstadøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. March 10, 2024. 20:29
It has been a sometimes difficult northern lights season so far this year. When I have more time, I will write a longer article about all…
Friday Photo #583 – Olstind Winter
Photo: Olstind winter reflection in Reinefjord, Moskenesøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. January 29, 2023. 12:35
I often write about how the winter landscape of Lofoten can often be almost black and white. This image of Olstind is a perfect…
Friday Photo #582 – Svolvær Reflection
Photo: Winter reflections in Svolvær harbor, Lofoten Islands, Norway. March 29, 2023. 19:31
Svolvær is the closest town that Lofoten has to being a modern-ish looking city, with waterfront restaurants, hotels, pubs, boat trips, etc.…
Friday Photo #581 – Rorbu in winter
Photo: Red cabins of Eliassen Rorbu on snow covered rocky shoreline of Hamnøy with Olstind in the background, Lofoten Islands, Norway. February 25, 2023. 17:07
Cold grey clouds fill the sky over Reinefjord and the mountains of Moskenesøy.…