Morning light on Merrastitinden from near summit of Helvetestinden, Moskenesoy, Lofoten Islands, Norway
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Friday Photo #63 – Merrastind Dawn

Morning light on Merrastitinden from near summit of Helvetestinden, Moskenesoy, Lofoten Islands, Norway

Photo: Morning light on Merrastitinden, Moskenesøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway.  August 16, 2013.  05:44

Even while camping high in the mountains, it is easy to end up in a place where you will not see any sun until it is well above the horizon.  Though sometimes you get at least a little lucky in the light you are provided.

Having camped about 2/3 the way up Helvetestinden on my first day on the islands in August 2013, I was barely able to rise out of bed in the early morning.  Though while the sky overhead glowed with the arriving day, I remained deep in the shadows of surrounding peaks.  So I went back to bed for a couple hours, like any lazy photographer would do.

Awaking sometime later to blue sky overhead, I was still in the shadows of mountains.  Yet the sun was breaking through the surrounding peaks in one place, shining bright on the near vertical granite cliffs of Merrastind.

I’m not sure how many days per year this light exists, but I’m glad enough I was there at this time.  While I wish there was a little more going on in the sky, I still like this image for the simplicity of the elements.

Camera Info:
Nikon D800
Nikon 85mm f/2.8 tilt-shift
ISO 100
f 8
1/100 sec
WB Daylight
2 images – top, bottom

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