Summer 2012 Photo Gallery
A new photo gallery is up for images from August - September this year. 20 images total. Locations include: Horseid beach, Kvalvika beach, Ryten, Stamsund, Utakleiv and a few more places.
-CLICK HERE- to view the gallery.
Horseid Beach Hiking Guide
I've added a new hiking guide for Horseid beach -CLICK HERE-
Horseid is probably my favorite beach on the Lofoten Islands, and I highly recommend making the effort to go there and camp for a couple nights.
I've changed up the format a…
New Guide – Lofoten’s 3 Best Beaches
I've just added a new article for the three best beaches on the Lofoten Islands. Kvalvika, Bunes, and Horseid beaches
-- CLICK HERE -- to check in out.
This article differs from the older 'Top 5 Beaches' travel guide I had in that it was…
New Hiking Guide – Kvalvika Beach
I've just added a new hiking and camping page for Kvalvika Beach. A few photos as well.
Check it out! And if you like what I'm doing here and think any of my info is useful, please help me out a bit and spread the word…
Updates coming soon!
I'm finally finished with my travels for the year, which included about 4 weeks on Lofoten: Two weeks catching the end of summer in late August and then back again for Autumn at the end of September/beginning of October.
August proved to…
And I’m Off To Lofoten
I'm finally making my way to Lofoten today. I fly from London, a long layover in Oslo, and finally arrive in Bodø in the evening. I'll then catch the 0200 ferry which will put me in Moskenes around 0600 Tuesday morning. At least I should be…
Lofoten Islands Travel Plans
I've finally managed to put together plans for last summer and autumn travels back to the Lofoten Islands, Norway. When I arrive in August, it will be my 10th trip to Lofoten since I was first there in the summer of 2001. Back then I never…
New Page – Lofoten’s 5 Best Beaches
I've added a new page on the 5 best beaches (that you can drive to) on the Lofoten Islands. Lots of photos too!
CLICK HERE to check it out!
New Hiking Route Page – Steinstinden
I've added a new hiking route page for Steinstinden peak, located near Stamsund on Vestvagoy.
New Panoramic Gallery
I've added a new photo gallery for panoramic images.
--CLICK HERE-- to view the gallery
Photo: Ferry to Lofoten. July 2006
I've had a few people tell me that even looking at this photo makes them feel a bit nauseous. I set my tripod up to be level with the deck of the ferry of what I can only describe as a 'rough' crossing. …
Up And Running
Well, I think I now have the basics of the website up and running. There's probably still a few typos that I haven't yet caught and maybe a few formatting errors, but I hope that everything else is good to go.
I'll be adding more content…
A New Start – May 2012
It's been almost 2 years since I made the first version of as a focus for my images from the Lofoten Islands. I had intended to do more, but after the initial site design, I only made one gallery update and then sort of lost focus. …